I have web sessions with utm tags (different channels of traffic: cpc, smm, push). Some of them with tags but some sessions from organic without utm tags. I want to overwrite organic sessions to previous tags
Rules, which I want to use:
Main Idea use arrays with union all for push channel
select install_id, session_id, date_uz , started_at, utm_medium, utm_medium_final
from (
SELECT *, arrayFirst(x -> x!='', arrayReverse(utm_medium_array)) as utm_medium_new,
maxIf(date_uz, utm_medium_new = utm_medium) OVER (PARTITION BY install_id ORDER BY started_at ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) as last_date,
if(date_uz - last_date < 2, utm_medium_new, '') utm_medium_final
--any(utm_medium_new) OVER (PARTITION BY install_id ORDER BY started_at ROWS BETWEEN 1 PRECEDING AND 1 PRECEDING ) as h,
from (
select install_id, session_id, utm_medium, date_uz , started_at,
groupArray(utm_medium) OVER (PARTITION BY install_id ORDER BY started_at ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) AS utm_medium_array
from marketing.sessions_with_attribution swa
where date_uz >=today()-50
and utm_medium!='push'
and install_id in ('1cc69a1f-eb17-4be6-8bfc-a5dee2dd9c50','57927c21-e862-4729-b38e-f663aa9d227d')
union ALL
select install_id, session_id, utm_medium, date_uz , started_at,
[] utm_medium_array, utm_medium , null, utm_medium
from marketing.sessions_with_attribution swa
where date_uz >=today()-50
and utm_medium = 'push'
and install_id in ('1cc69a1f-eb17-4be6-8bfc-a5dee2dd9c50','57927c21-e862-4729-b38e-f663aa9d227d')
order by install_id, started_at