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How to find all paths from node and filter by relationship property?

I have a graph like this: my graph

I want to find all path from given node with relationship property(each node has param id). Relationship RELATED_TO has property type.

The logic from 10 to 1(through 3): 10 ->(type: type1) 5 ->(type: type1) 3 ->(type: type1) 1

The logic from 10 to 1(through 2): 10 ->(type: type1) 5 ->(type: type1) 2 ->(type: type2) 1;


  • 10
  • rel.type: type1

Expected output: 10 -> 5 -> 3 -> 1 and 10 -> 5 -> 2

How to write the cypher?


  • Supposing by rel.type you mean there is a type property on your RELATED_TO relationships and you want to ensure the value is type1 and also assuming that when you mean node:10 it means the node with id 10, you can do it with the following query :

    MATCH path=(n)-[r:RELATED_TO* {type: 'type1'}]->(o)
    WHERE id(n) = 10
    RETURN path