I have running a model with a block composed of several interfaces (thermal ports). The dimension of the port is variable and sometime can be up to 20x20... When I run the simulation, the calculation are performed (slowly) but the worst part is when the simulation is done and has to prepare all the data (results)..
In the list of the result there are 20x20 of each interface ! this take several minutes to appears. I don't need to know the ports values and I want to hide it.
I tried this :
but it is still showing the result...
Also, I can't use "protected" as I need to access the port in a global model, but also to some variables of the block which are calculated.
Do you have any solution ?
Thanks for your help :)
HideResult annotation is exactly for this purpose.
I tried a minimal example in OpenModelica v1.19.2 and that works as expected.
model HideResult
Real public_var = 1;
Real hidden_var = 2 annotation(HideResult=true );
end HideResult;
I guess your issue is related to the array definition of heat ports. You could instead apply the HideResult annotation to single variables inside the connector defintion.
That means, define you own connector class and apply the annotation there.
If you keep everything else unchanged (type and name of variables), your customized connector is 100% compatible.