I have the Player move around and when he enters a new Room (via Instancing) his Sprite shows him facing in the Default direction (in my Case down). So If you enter a Room from any other direction then it looks weird, cause for a short Moment you can see the Player facing down even if you came from the right. How can I tell Godot to set the Player Sprite to a specific Frame in Code, so I can set it to the proper Frame for each Direction. I'm new to Godot and I used HeartBeast Action RPG Tutorial for my Movement. So it's using an AnimationTree and AnimationPlayer. I tried "set_frame" but Godot just says it doesn't know the Method.
If you are following the tutorial series I think you are following (Godot Action RPG)… You are using an AnimationTree
with AnimationNodeBlendSpace2D
The BlendSpace2D picks an animation based on an input vector "blend_position". This way you can use BlendSpace2D to pick an animation based on the direction of motion or the direction the player character is looking at. For example, you can "idle_up", "idle_down", "idle_left", and "idle_right" animations, and use BlendSpace2D to pick one in runtime based on a direction vector.
Thus, you need to set the "blend_position"
of the BlendSpace2D like this:
animationTree.set("parameters/NameOfTheBlendSpàce2D/blend_position", vector)
is a variable set to the AnimationTree
is the name of the BlendSpace2D you want to set (e.g. "Idle"
is a Vector2D
with the direction you want (e.g. Vector2.UP
).This is shown in the episode 6 of the tutorial series (Animation in all directions with an AnimationTree).
You can find a reference project by HeartBeast at arpg-reference, where you can find a function update_animation_blend_positions
that looks like this:
func update_animation_blend_positions():
animationTree.set("parameters/Idle/blend_position", input_vector)
animationTree.set("parameters/Run/blend_position", input_vector)
animationTree.set("parameters/Attack/blend_position", input_vector)
animationTree.set("parameters/Roll/blend_position", input_vector)
Here "Idle"
, "Run"
, "Attack"
, and "Roll"
are BlendSpace2D, each configured with animations for the corresponding actions, and this function updates them in sync so that they are picking the correct animation.
As far as I can tell the code from the repository is further refactored from what is show in the tutorial series. This code from the repository is under MIT licence.