I am trying to use mermaid library in Quarto however the text in the boxes do not fit - they cut off the last letter or two.
Can anyone provide a solution?
I have already checked out two open questions below but they are different than my question
Mermaid diagram in Quarto/Rmarkdown: narrow and blurry
How to prevent mermaid flow charts overflowing in quarto
Code below:
format: revealjs
## Example
Blah Blah
flowchart LR
A[real time insights] --> B{Classification}
B --> C[Threat]
B --> D[Opportunity]
C --> E[Defend Value]
D --> F[Capture Value]
this doesn't solve the issue but just simply adding some spaces (1-3) after your text will move the border of the box so that your text isn't cut off.