I want to write a command-line program that will show UNICODE characters that will "animate" in the left side of a line. How can I do it using node.js to have the checkmark and UNICODE animation you see here in the following image? What are the characters, and how do I make the instructions to overwrite the first character on the line?
You can build your own spinner in node by writing to stdout
like this:
import { stdout } from "process"
function startSpinner() {
const characters = ['⠋', '⠙', '⠹', '⠸', '⠼', '⠴', '⠦', '⠧', '⠇', '⠏']
const cursorEsc = {
hide: '\u001B[?25l',
show: '\u001B[?25h',
let i = 0;
const timer = setInterval(function () {
stdout.write("\r" + characters[i++]);
i = i >= characters.length ? 0 : i;
}, 150);
return () => {
Then invoke the function like this - here's an example that runs for 4 seconds and then finishes
const stopSpinner = startSpinner();
setTimeout(() => {