The problem is as follows. I want a function that, given a list and a max number of occurrences "x", deletes all elements of the list that appear more than x times or x times.
I found a pretty straightforward solution, which is to check for each of the elements. This said, to repeat the find and delete functions many times seems computationally-wise not optimal to me.
I was wondering whether you could provide a better algorithm (i excluded allocating memory for a matrix from the min to the max... just too much for the task... say you have few very big numbers and your memory won't do it.)
My code follows.
typedef struct n_s
int val;
struct n_s *next;
// deletes all elements equal to del in list with head h
n_t * delete(n_t *h, int del);
// returns the first occurrence of find in list with head h, otherwise gives NULL
n_t * find(n_t *h, int find);
n_t *
delFromList(n_t *h, int x)
int val;
n_t *el, *posInter;
// empty list case
if (h == NULL)
return NULL;
// first element
if ( (posInter = find(h -> next,val))
&& (find(posInter -> next, val)))
h = delete(h, val);
// loop from second element
el = h;
while (el -> next)
val = el -> next -> val;
// check whether you want to delete the next one,
// and then if you do so, check again on the "new" next one
if ((posInter = find(el -> next -> next, val))
&& (find(posInter -> next, val)))
el -> next = delete(el -> next, val);
// in case you did not delete the nexy node, you can move on
el = el -> next;
return h;
I know that the el->next->next may look confusing, but I find it less intuitive to use variables such as "next", "past"... so, sorry for your headache.
One option for an algorithm with improved performance is:
with two members, one for the value of a list element and one to count the number of times it appears.D
structure into that tree with its value member copied from the list element and its count set to one. If it is present in the tree, increments its count. If its count equals or exceeds the threshold, remove it from the list.Lookups and insertions in a balanced tree are O(log n). A linked list of n items uses n of them, and deletions from a linked list are O(1). So the total time is O(n log n).