I have 2 tables: drivers
and drivers_locations
I want to create a computed field in the drivers
table that returns the last inserted location of a driver.
The drivers_locations
table has these columns:
- id: uuid
- driver_id: uuid
- location: geography
- timestamp: bigint
The timestamp
is in milliseconds since the unix epoch. (e.g. 1673129623999).
Here is my noobish failed attempt at achieving this:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.fn_driver_last_location(driver_row drivers)
RETURNS geometry
AS $function$
SELECT loc.location
FROM driver_locations loc
inner join drivers drv
on loc.driver_id = drv.id
group by loc.location_recorded_time_unix, loc.location, drv.id
HAVING loc.location_recorded_time_unix = MAX(loc.location_recorded_time_unix) and drv.id = driver_row.id;
Any ideas?
You can sort the locations by the time and limit the result to one row. You also don't need the join.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.fn_driver_last_location(driver_row drivers)
RETURNS geometry
AS $function$
SELECT loc.location
FROM driver_locations loc
where loc.driver_id = driver_row.id
order by loc.location_recorded_time_unix desc
limit 1;
A function that selects from a database tables should never be declared as immutable
as it can return different results even when called with the same parameter.