#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void input_count(int*);
int* input_values(int);
void show_result(int**, int);
int main()
int count = 0;
int* array = input_values(count);
show_result(&array, count);
return 0;
void input_count(int* count)
printf("배열의 개수는? (0보다 커야합니다) ");
scanf("%d", count);
} while (*count <= 0);
int* input_values(int count)
int* array = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * count);
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
printf("%d번째 값은? ", i);
scanf("%d", array + i);
return array;
void show_result(int** array, int count)
int max = 0, min = INT_MAX;
int* max_address = NULL, *min_address = NULL;
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
if (*array[i] > max)
max_address = *array + i;
max = *max_address;
if (*array[i] < min)
min_address = *array + i;
min = *min_address;
printf("최대 원소의 주소: %p, 값: %d\n", max_address, max);
printf("최소 원소의 주소: %p, 값: %d\n", min_address, min);
I've only been studying programming for 10 days, so my skills are lacking. But I want to solve this problem.
The show_result function throws an exception:
Exception thrown(0x00007FF6BE02596B, Main.exe): 0xC0000005: 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 위치를 읽는 동안 액세스 위반이 발생했습니다.
I think Null is the problem, but I don't know the mean that is back reference.
There is no sense to pass the pointer to the dynamically allocated array by reference through a pointer to it
show_result(&array, count);
because the pointer is not changed within the function show_result.
So declare the function like
void show_result( const int *, size_t );
and call it like
show_result( array, count);
The if statements
if (*array[i] > max)
if (*array[i] < min)
use invalid expressions. You have to write at least like
if ( ( *array )[i] > max)
if ( ( *array )[i] < min)
You will not have such a problem if will declare the function as shown above.
Also setting the variable max
to 0
int max = 0, min = INT_MAX;
does not make sense. As the element type of the array is int
then it can contain all elements set by negative numbers. In this case you will get a wrong result.
The function can be defined for example the following way
void show_result( const int *array, size_t count)
const int *max_address = array;
const int *min_address = array;
for ( size_t i = 1; i < count; ++i )
if ( *max_address < array[i] )
max_address = array + i;
else if ( array[i] < *min_address )
min_address = array + i;
if ( count != 0 )
printf( "최대 원소의 주소: %p, 값: %d\n", ( const void * )max_address, *max_address );
printf( "최소 원소의 주소: %p, 값: %d\n", ( const void * )min_address, *min_address );
// output a message that an empty array is passed