Has anyone tried to or know how to setup a remote or cached repo within Artifactory for the powershellgallery?
I am unable to find anything even remotely talking about this online as well.
PSGallery URI is: https://www.powershellgallery.com/api/v2
I am beginning to think it was intentionally made by MS to not allow situations like that (but am looking for confirmation if that's the case)
NOTE: the intent here is that we will then have an internally accessible remote repo that is a copy of the PSGallery. Which then allows us to make sure we are scanning the modules and abiding by compliance regulations.
when it's added to Artifactory as a remote repo, its successful, but is empty.
Then, we set it up on Windows machine with register-PSRepository -Name psgallery-remote -SourceLocation myartifactoryuri
But when trying to do a find-module -name InvokeBuild -repository psgallery-remote
it fails with no results.
When doing find-module -name InvokeBuild -Repository PSGallery
it's successful.
You should configure Artifactory remote repository as the following :
Link for JFrog documentation on NuGet Remote Repositories : https://www.jfrog.com/confluence/display/JFROG/NuGet+Repositories#NuGetRepositories-RemoteRepositories