My last chance is some last living developer in RoR
Nothing in the darkest corners of the internet works for:
<%= link_to 'some-link', '#', data: { confirm:'Are You Sure?') %>;
it generate this:
<a data-confirm="Are you sure?" href="#">some link</a>
but there is no confirm dialog box.
I try everything - turbo_confirm, try to add controller with class for stimulus ... and still nothing.
Right now I remove turbo-rails, stimulus etc. - but still nothing.
presents a confirm dialog with the given value. Can be used onform
elements or links withdata-turbo-method
<%= link_to "GET turbo link", "/",
data: {
turbo_method: :get,
turbo_confirm: "Sure?"
<%= link_to "POST turbo link", "/",
data: {
turbo_method: :post,
turbo_confirm: "Sure?"
<%= button_to "Button", "/",
data: { turbo_confirm: "Sure?" }
<%= form_with url: "/",
data: { turbo_confirm: "Sure?" } do |f| %>
<%= f.submit "Submit" %>
<% end %>
<%= link_to "GET link", "/",
data: { turbo_confirm: "Sure?" }
Fix by adding turbo_method: :get
@hirowatari edit:
<%= link_to "GET external link", "",
data: {
turbo_method: :get,
turbo_confirm: "Sure?"
External links or links with extensions (other than .html
or .php
) will be ignored by Turbo. I think this is one of the reasons data-turbo-confirm
and similar Rails UJS features were not initially implemented in Turbo. You'll be better off implementing your own data-confirm
feature if you're migrating from Rails UJS, it is very simple, you won't have to change attributes to data-turbo-confirm
, and it will just work on any click. See example below.
<%= link_to "UJS link", "/",
data: { confirm: "Sure?" }
But easy to fix:
// app/javascript/application.js
// this is now my preferred way of dealing with confirmation dialog
// it is just much simpler than Turbo way
document.addEventListener("click", event => {
const element ="[data-confirm]")
if (element && !confirm(element.dataset.confirm)) {
Update Use data-turbo-submits-with
to handle this.
This one is a bit more involved, but it's all the same pattern, listen for event, check for data attribute, if else, do something.
// app/javascript/application.js
// on form submit
// set `value` if `input`
// set `innerHTML` if `button`
document.addEventListener("turbo:submit-start", event => {
const element = event.detail.formSubmission.submitter
if (element.hasAttribute("data-disable-with")) {
// element.disabled = true // this is done by turbo by default
if (element instanceof HTMLInputElement) {
element.value = element.dataset.disableWith
} else {
element.innerHTML = element.dataset.disableWith
<%= form_with url: "/" do |f| %>
# <button>
<%= f.button "Submit", data: { disable_with: "..." } %>
# <input>
<%= f.submit "Submit", data: { disable_with: "..." } %>
<% end %>