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error Property has no initializer and is not definitely assigned in the constructor

I work on angular 13 application I face issue when declare variable of type model .

error Property has no initializer and is not definitely assigned in the constructor

error happen when declare items variable for type model itemData as below :


model items data

export interface ItemsData {


export class ItemsComponent implements OnInit {

  constructor(private erpservice:ErpServiceService) { }

  retrieveAllItems(pageNumber: number = 0): void {
        data => {


I need to recieve result returned from function retrieveAllItems on itemsData model i created but it give me error .

so How to solve issue and why this issue happen ?

updated post

i still have issue when get result of retrieveAllItems function on this line


property items doesnot exist on type itemdata

so what i do to solve this issue ?

console.log(data); data returned as below :

    "items": [
            "id": 3,
            "itemNameEN": "pen"
            "id": 4,
            "itemNameEN": "pencil"
            "id": 5,
            "itemNameEN": "pen2"
    "pager": {
        "numberOfPages": 1,
        "currentPage": 1,
        "totalRecords": 3


getAll(pageNumber: number): Observable<ItemsData> {
    let params = new HttpParams();

    if (pageNumber)
      params = params.append('pageNumber', pageNumber);

    let httpOptions = {
        params: params
    return this.http.get<ItemsData>(baseUrl,httpOptions);


  • About your first issue

    It occurs because you have not initialized items with a value.

    There are several options on how to solve the issue:

    items: ItemsData[] = []; // Initialization with an empty array
    items?: ItemsData[]; // Declaration as an optional variable
    items!: ItemsData[]; // Declaration as non-nullable which basically corresponds to 'items: ItemsData[] = undefined'

    About your second issue

    According to your method signature getAll() returns Observable<ItemsData>, but this does not correspond to the json-response you showed me. It actually returns something like Observable<DataWrapper> and then you should define an additional model that looks like this:

    export interface DataWrapper {
      items: ItemsData[];

    Then the service.ts would look like this:

    getAll(pageNumber: number): Observable<DataWrapper> {
        let params = new HttpParams();
        if (pageNumber)
          params = params.append('pageNumber', pageNumber);
        let httpOptions = {
            params: params
        return this.http.get<DataWrapper>(baseUrl,httpOptions);