Normally, with MVC I use db.savechanges() method after I do some processes. But check the below code when I use N-Tier Architecture in everyloop its gonna insert in this way but I dont want it. I have to check all the items first. If there is no problem then I have to insert it all together.
foreach (var item in mOrderList)
MOrder mOrder = new MOrder();
mOrder.StatusAdmin = false;
mOrder.Date = DateTime.Now;
mOrder.StatusMVendor = "Sipariş alındı.";
mOrder.HowMany = item.HowMany;
mOrder.MBasketId = item.MBasketId;
mOrder.MProductId = item.MProductId;
mOrder.MVendorId = item.MVendorId;
mOrder.WInvestorId = item.WInvestorId;
MProduct mprostock = _imProductService.GetMProductById(item.MProductId);
if (mprostock.Stock<=0)
return ReturnErrorAndSuccess(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, "MProduct", mprostock.Name + " ürününde stok kalmadığı için işlem tamamlanamadı.");
all you have to do is:
first you should define a method that get list of mProductId and then return list of MProduct.
after that you should check if there is any record with Stock<=0 then return your error. -also for your insert you should define a method that get list of MOrder and return appropriate datatype for example Boolean.
public List<MProduct> GetMProductByIds(List<MProductId> mProductId)
//getting record code
public bool AddMOrder(List<MOrder> mOrder)
//inserting record code