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How to make a video with only a fullscreen button (and no other controls)

I have a worry with wp video shortcode (for a video on loop and autoplay), which plays fine on firefox, but who doesn't in chrome.

This is my code:

<div class="fullscreen-button-only">
[video mp4="" poster="" muted="true" loop="true" autoplay="true"]

The div here allows to apply a class to the video, with a css which hides all controls except the fullscreen button, which appear when you hover the video.

Usually I would resolve this by using a more classical videotag, like this one:

<div class="fullscreen-button-only">
<video src="" preload="true" autoplay="true" muted="true" loop="true" playsinline width="100%" poster=""></video>

It works on chrome, but it's far more difficult to make appear the fullcscreen button alone on it.

Is there a solution to make the traditional [wp video] shortcode work with loop and autoplay?

UPDATE : HERE IS THE SOLUTION for video with only a full-screen button, with the last fixes needed (thanks to my brother!) added to the great code proposed by VC.One. Here is the code working.


  <div id="animatedgif_1" class="fx_fadeIn" style="position: relative; width: 100%; text-indent: 0px; ">
    <video class="centrer-verticalement" width="100%" style="" muted playsinline loop autoplay>
      <source src="" type="video/mp4"></video>
    <div id="btn_fs" onclick="go_FullScreen( this )" style="position: absolute;">
      <img id="img_btn_fs" width="40" src="">


  <div id="animatedgif_2" class="fx_fadeIn" style="position: relative; width: 100%; text-indent: 0px; padding-bottom:0em !important; ">
    <video class="centrer-verticalement" width="100%" style="" muted playsinline loop autoplay>
      <source src="" type="video/mp4"></video>
    <div id="btn_fs" onclick="go_FullScreen( this )" style="position: absolute;">
      <img id="img_btn_fs" width="40" src="">


.fx_fadeIn img {
  opacity: 00%;
  transition: opacity 0.5s;

.fx_fadeIn:hover img {
  opacity: 100%;
  transition: opacity 1s;

.centrer-verticalement[style*="background: transparent"]+#btn_fs img {
  opacity: 20%;
  transition: opacity 0.5s;

.centrer-verticalement[style*="background: transparent"]+#btn_fs img:hover {
  opacity: 100%;
  transition: opacity 0.5s;

.fx_fadeIn .centrer-verticalement[class*="background: none"]+#btn_fs img {
  opacity: 0%;
  transition: opacity 0.5s;

.fx_fadeIn:hover .centrer-verticalement[style*="background: none"]+#btn_fs img {
  opacity: 100%;
  transition: opacity 1s;

#btn_fs {
  bottom: 1em;
  right: 1em;

Note that if you put the HTML code on wordpress, it will add a <p> after the video tag, which will need an adaptation of a part of the CSS, like that:

.centrer-verticalement[style*="background: black"]+p+#btn_fs img {
  opacity: 20%;
  transition: opacity 0.5s;

.centrer-verticalement[style*="background: black"]+p+#btn_fs img:hover {
  opacity: 100%;
  transition: opacity 0.5s;

.fx_fadeIn .centrer-verticalement[class*="background: #010101"]+p+#btn_fs img {
  opacity: 0%;
  transition: opacity 0.5s;

.fx_fadeIn:hover .centrer-verticalement[style*="background: #010101"]+p+#btn_fs img {
  opacity: 100%;
  transition: opacity 1s;

And finally, you can add this CSS code at the end of all that, if you want the fullscreen icon to always appear for smartphones and ipad :

@media only screen and (max-width: 768px) {
  .fx_fadeIn img {
    opacity: 20% !important

@media only screen and (hover: none) and (pointer: coarse) {
  .fx_fadeIn img {
    opacity: 20% !important

JAVASCRIPT (updated) :

var bool_isFullscreen = false;

//# access DIV that is container for [ video + button image ].
var myVideoGIF; //# = document.getElementById("animatedgif");

//# access DIV that is a click "hotspot" to enter fullscreen.
var myBtn_FS; //# = document.getElementById("btn_fs");

//# access IMG for button that will change mode to fullscreen.
//var img_myBtn_FS; //# = document.getElementById("img_btn_fs");

window.addEventListener('fullscreenchange', on_FS_Change, false);

function on_FS_Change(evt) {
  //# detect event for screen mode change
  //#is "null" when page/element is not in Fullscreen
  if (document.fullscreenElement != null) {
    bool_isFullscreen = true;

  //# assume is already in Fullscreen mode
  else {
    bool_isFullscreen = false;


function go_FullScreen(input) {
  //# NOTE : child elements are in order of appearance in setup
  //# Parent == DIV as container
  //# children[0] == VIDEO tag is first child element
  //# children[1] == DIV for button icon is second child element

  //## Get access to the specific clicked item's Parent (container)
  myVideoGIF = document.getElementById(;
  myBtn_FS = myVideoGIF.children[1];

  //## Check if screen mode is : Fullscreen
  //## If already Fullscreen then just do the "on exit fullscreen" code 
  //## then quit (RETURN) from this function (ignores rest of code below)
  if (bool_isFullscreen == true) {
    exit_FullScreen(); //# handle on exit fullscreen
    return; //# quit/exit code here...

  //## Will continue onto code below if NOT Fullscreen (no return)

  function openFullscreen(elem) {
    //# for most browsers
    if (elem.requestFullscreen) {

    //# for Safari (older versions)
    else if (elem.webkitRequestFullscreen) {

    //# for Safari (newer versions)
    else if (elem.webkitEnterFullscreen) {

    //# for Safari iPhone (where only the Video tag itself can be fullscreen)
    else if (elem.children[0].webkitEnterFullscreen) {
      //toggle_controls(); //# your own function to show/hide iOS media controls

    //# for Internet Explorer 11
    else if (elem.msRequestFullscreen) {


  myVideoGIF.children[0].style.width = "100%"
  myVideoGIF.children[0].style.height = "100%"
  myVideoGIF.children[0].style.background = "black"

  //# set to true (helps "exit_FullScreen" function )
  bool_isFullscreen = true;


var videoContainer = document.getElementByClassName('fx_fadeIn');
var video = videoContainer.getElementsByTagName('video');

function toggleVideoFullscreen() {

  if (video.webkitEnterFullScreen) {
    // Toggle fullscreen in Safari for iPad
  } else {
    // Toggle fullscreen for other OS / Devices / Browsers 

function exit_FullScreen() {

  if (bool_isFullscreen == true) {
    bool_isFullscreen = false;

    //# check IF browser can use this method...
    if (document.exitFullscreen) {
        .then(() => console.log("Document Exited from Full screen mode"))
        .catch((err) => console.error(err));

      myVideoGIF.children[0].style.background = "#010101"


    //## OR ELSE try other browser options

    /* for Safari */
    else if (document.webkitExitFullscreen) {

    /* for IE11 */
    else if (document.msExitFullscreen) {


Here is the full jsfiddle:

Finally, note that those multiple videos won't autoplay on Xiaomi Mi browser, but that's another problem not related to the code.


  • "Usually I would resolve this by using a more classical video tag... But it's far more difficult to make appear the fullscreen button alone on it."


    Here is some example code you can study, then also apply the same logic into your WordPress.
    (eg: put Styles/Scripts wherever these Styles/Scripts are put when creating WP articles or pages).

    The code below uses an image to create a custom fullscreen button. This should work in all browsers because it is just an <img> tag inside a <div> with a "click" listener.

    PS: You can download (and customize) a free fullscreen icon here:
    (Another good site for customized PNG icons, but you cannot remove their big advert. You must scroll down by a small amount until you see the "Edit Vector" option next to the icon (is at bottom left of icon).

    code example (updated 19/01/2022):

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    /* .fade-in-image { animation: fadeIn 4s; } */
    .fx_fadeIn img 
    { opacity: 30%; transition: opacity 2s; }
    .fx_fadeIn:hover img 
      opacity: 100%;
      transition: opacity 1s;
    <div id="animatedgif_1" class="fx_fadeIn" style="position: relative; width: 640px; height: 360px;" >
        <video width="100%" style="position: absolute; top: 0px" muted playsinline loop autoplay><source src="" type="video/mp4"></video></p>
        <div id="btn_fs" onclick="go_FullScreen( this )" style="position: absolute; top: 86%; left: 90%;">
        <img id="img_btn_fs"  width = "40" src="" >
    <div id="animatedgif_2" class="fx_fadeIn" style="position: relative; width: 640px; height: 360px;" >
        <video width="100%" style="position: absolute; top: 0px" muted playsinline loop autoplay><source src="" type="video/mp4"></video></p>
        <div id="btn_fs" onclick="go_FullScreen( this )" style="position: absolute; top: 86%; left: 90%;">
        <img id="img_btn_fs"  width = "40" src="" >
    var bool_isFullscreen = false;
    //# access DIV that is container for [ video + button image ].
    var myVideoGIF; //# = document.getElementById("animatedgif");
    //# access DIV that is a click "hotspot" to enter fullscreen.
    var myBtn_FS; //# = document.getElementById("btn_fs");
    //# access IMG for button that will change mode to fullscreen.
    //var img_myBtn_FS; //# = document.getElementById("img_btn_fs");
    window.addEventListener('fullscreenchange', on_FS_Change, false);
    function on_FS_Change (evt) 
        //# detect event for screen mode change
        //#is "null" when page/element is not in Fullscreen
        if( document.fullscreenElement != null )
        { bool_isFullscreen = true; }
        //# assume is already in Fullscreen mode
        { bool_isFullscreen = false; exit_FullScreen(); }
    function go_FullScreen( input ) 
        //# NOTE : child elements are in order of appearance in setup
        //# Parent == DIV as container
        //# children[0] == VIDEO tag is first child element
        //# children[1] == DIV for button icon is second child element
        //## Get access to the specific clicked item's Parent (container)
        myVideoGIF = document.getElementById( );
        myBtn_FS = myVideoGIF.children[1];
        //## Check if screen mode is : Fullscreen
        //## If already Fullscreen then just do the "on exit fullscreen" code 
        //## then quit (RETURN) from this function (ignores rest of code below)
        if( bool_isFullscreen == true ) 
            exit_FullScreen(); //# handle on exit fullscreen
            return; //# quit/exit code here...
        //## Will continue onto code below if NOT Fullscreen (no return)
        //## ALIGN -- VERTICAL
        //## Need to subtract : height of screen -minus- height of video
        //## Then divide result by two to get central point
        //# find the new fullscreen Width of video object 
        //# by temporay setting to "100w" ("vw" == viewport width)
        myVideoGIF.children[0].style.width = "100vw";
        //# formula = ( screen Height - video Height(eg: its clientHeight) ) 
        //# then "Divide by 2" to get the central value from total
        let align_vertical = ((screen.height - myVideoGIF.children[0].clientHeight) / 2); 
        myVideoGIF.children[0] = align_vertical+"px"; //"5%";
        //# reset back to 100% width for display inside Div's width
        myVideoGIF.children[0].style.width = "100%";
        //# set to true (helps "exit_FullScreen" function )
        bool_isFullscreen = true;
    function exit_FullScreen( ) 
        myVideoGIF.children[0] = "0px";
        if( bool_isFullscreen == true )
            bool_isFullscreen = false;
            //# check IF browser can use this method...
            if (document.exitFullscreen) 
                .then(() => console.log("Document Exited from Full screen mode"))
                .catch((err) => console.error(err));
            //## OR ELSE try other browser options
            /* for Safari */
            else if (document.webkitExitFullscreen) { document.webkitExitFullscreen(); }
            /* for IE11 */
            else if (document.msExitFullscreen) { document.msExitFullscreen(); }

    Old Answer:

    This is not a final Answer, just a "super" comment for testing advice...

    (1) Try adding this <div> code:

    <div class="image fullscreen-button-only">
    <video muted playsinline loop autoplay>
    <source src="" type="video/mp4">

    The result should be your page now has two videos (your original one and then also this new Div).
    I will check the page for what is happening then advise further if needed...

    (2) In Chrome you can try the below code to get fullscreen button only.
    Note: It won't work in Firefox because it's Gecko engine but Chrome/Edge is using Webkit engine.
    Copy/Paste shown code here for a quick testing

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    { display: none; }
    <video width="550" height="310" oncontextmenu="return false;"
    playsinline muted autoplay loop
    controls controlsList="nodownload noplaybackrate noremoteplayback ">
    <source src="" type="video/mp4">

    Does that work (shows only Fullscreen button) in Chrome on Mac?