So I have a folium map built using the following code.
m = folium.Map(location=[40, -90], zoom_start=4)
colors = ['gray','green','blue']
# add marker one by one on the map
for i in range(0,len(df)):
location=[df.iloc[i]['LAT'], df.iloc[i]['LNG']],
popup = folium.Popup(folium.IFrame('Plant: ' + str((df.iloc[i]['ID'])) +
'<br>' + 'Name: ' + (df.iloc[i]['name']) +
'<br>'+ 'Address: ' + (df.iloc[i]['address'])),
min_width=300, max_width=300),
The problem is that there are about 15 IDs that have the exact same coordinates. I want to either show all IDs with those coordinates in the same pop up or somehow adjust the markers so that all of them at that location as visible. Is this possible with Folium? An example of my df is below.
ID Name Address LAT LNG
1 The Interactive College 1 Street 28.38535861 102.6589614
2 Bloom Marketing 2 Street 41.39434884 85.67897377
3 Hearty Pancake 3 Street 47.3863284 100.7854692
4 The Auto DNA 4 Street 45.39532869 69.55646099
5 Urban Philosophy 5 Street 37.38631845 81.72556255
1 Raven 6 Street 28.38535861 102.6589614
2 Gourmet Sandwich 7 Street 41.39434884 85.67897377
3 Office Tile 8 Street 47.3863284 100.7854692
4 The Crunchy Croissant 9 Street 45.39532869 69.55646099
5 Smart Phone Repair 10 Street 37.38631845 81.72556255
This answer is based on the assumption that all overlapping latitude and longitude in the data presented in the question are in two locations. Group the existing data frame by latitude and longitude and list the other columns column by column. The marker process will create a pop-up for each row unit of that grouped data frame. And since the data presented did not have a column called Group, we used the ID column as the color coding. Please modify this to fit your data. If there are three or more locations with the same latitude and longitude, get the length of the list in the ID column and combine ID,Name,Address in a loop process. It would be easier to display multiple information in a popup rather than shifting the overlap by latitude and longitude.
dfg = df.groupby(['LAT','LNG']).agg(lambda x: list(x)).reset_index()
LAT LNG ID Name Address
0 28.385359 102.658961 [1, 1] [The Interactive College, Raven] [1 Street, 6 Street]
1 37.386318 81.725563 [5, 5] [Urban Philosophy, Smart Phone Repair] [5 Street, 10 Street]
2 41.394349 85.678974 [2, 2] [Bloom Marketing, Gourmet Sandwich] [2 Street, 7 Street]
3 45.395329 69.556461 [4, 4] [The Auto DNA, The Crunchy Croissant] [4 Street, 9 Street]
4 47.386328 100.785469 [3, 3] [Hearty Pancake, Office Tile] [3 Street, 8 Street]
import folium
m = folium.Map(location=[df.LAT.mean(), df.LNG.mean()], zoom_start=4)
colors = ['gray','green','blue','red','orange']
for row in dfg.itertuples():
location=[row.LAT, row.LNG],
popup = folium.Popup(folium.IFrame('Plant: ' + str(row.ID[0]) + ', ' + str(row.ID[1]) +
'<br>' + 'Name: ' + row.Name[0] + ', ' + row.Name[1] +
'<br>'+ 'Address: ' + row.Address[0] + ', ' + row.Address[1]), min_width=250, max_width=600),