This is the code base -
Output -
map[something:map[ACM:34.12 age:12 dune:dune]]
How does changing values in t variable affect in x?
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
x: = make(map[string] interface {}, 10)
x["something"] = map[string] interface {} {
"dune": "dune", "age": 12
t: = x["something"].(map[string] interface {})
t["ACM"] = 34.12
Map types are reference types, like pointers or slices,
so this line
t := x["something"].(map[string]interface{}) t["ACM"] = 34.12 fmt.Println(x) }
is just a shallow copy creating alias
for the existing map you created above in x
variable ,so they are pointing to same memory address where the original map you created exists.
See for reference -