We have a pure Win32/C++ app from which we want to be able to detect Tablet Mode on Windows 10.
I have the following code which came from somewhere which uses WRL to access the Windows.UI.ViewManagement.UIViewSettings.UserInteractionMode
WRL::ComPtr<IUIViewSettingsInterop> interop;
if (SUCCEEDED(Windows::Foundation::GetActivationFactory(WRL::Wrappers::HStringReference(
&interop)) && interop)
WRL::ComPtr<vm::IUIViewSettings> pViewSettings;
if (SUCCEEDED(interop->GetForWindow(hWnd, IID_PPV_ARGS(&pViewSettings))) && pViewSettings)
vm::UserInteractionMode currentMode;
if (SUCCEEDED(pViewSettings->get_UserInteractionMode(¤tMode)))
return currentMode == vm::UserInteractionMode::UserInteractionMode_Touch;
This works fine, however we also have another function using WinRT and I gather WinRT is the current technology we should be using for this, so I was trying to work out how to convert the WRL code.
I came up with this code, which compiles fine, but throws an exception in GetForCurrentView()
auto uiSettings = winrt::Windows::UI::ViewManagement::UIViewSettings::GetForCurrentView();
return uiSettings.UserInteractionMode() == winrt::Windows::UI::ViewManagement::UserInteractionMode::Touch;
. I'm assuming there's something I'm meant to be doing to initialise the "current view", similar to how the WRL code provides a window handle to GetForWindow
, but I haven't been able to work out how or what that is.
Thanks to @RaymondChen the C++/WinRT equivalent of the WRL code in my question is:
auto uiSettings = winrt::capture<winrt::Windows::UI::ViewManagement::UIViewSettings>
.as<IUIViewSettingsInterop>(), &IUIViewSettingsInterop::GetForWindow, hWnd);
return uiSettings.UserInteractionMode() == winrt::Windows::UI::ViewManagement::UserInteractionMode::Touch;