I am watching this video from Alex Freburg: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qfyynHBFOsM.
At 33.43 mins he has done some code on the server, the exact I have copied but I get this error message:
Incorrect syntax near 'CAST', expected 'AS'
The code I have tried to run is this:
Select location, MAX(CAST(total_deaths) AS int)) AS TotalDeathCount
From [Portfolio Project]..CovidDeaths$
group by location
order by TotalDeathCount desc
Any help would be appreciated.
I tried a variety of things but not sure why it is not working like the video above.
There's an extra closing right paren ()
MAX(CAST(total_deaths) AS int))
should be
MAX(CAST(total_deaths AS int))