I have a pb file abc.pb file.
I need to read the file by retaining its format i.e. dont want to convert pb file to string and then again reconverting it.
Currently I m trying options with
with open(data, "rb") as file_handle:
data = file_handle.read()
But this converts that into bytes. How to read them as Message. Can someone please help?
Protobuf is a binary encoding and -- generally -- you'll use a schema (types) to decode messages.
Protobuf types are described in proto
files and compiled (using protoc
) into langauge-specific stubs that can be used to encode|decode messages.
See Protocol Buffer Basics: Python which includes an example reading a message.
There are ways to decode binary files without a schema but it's more challenging.
Either: See whether you can obtain the Python stubs for the pb file you're trying to decode
Or: If you have proto
files, use protoc
(see example above) to generate the Python stubs
Or: Use a tool like's Marc's (above) or some other library that will decode encoded arbitary messages for you.