I want to add a timestamp to my macro log that shows the current date and time of the local place. I tried to place the run_started_at function in and out of the log, but it doesn't work. I prefer to have inside the log. ie,'Operation Completed 01:10:2023 11:30' Below are the works I have done;
{% macro create_local_database(username, reset_environment = false) %}
{% set setup_script1 %}
{%- if reset_environment == false -%}
{% do log('Operation Completed', True) %} {{ run_started_at.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") }}
{%- endif -%}
{% endset %}
{% endmacro %}
I would like to have a macro log that includes the message and timestamp.
Just append the timestamp to the string you send to log()
{%- macro logt(msg) -%}
{{ log(this ~ " (" ~ run_started_at.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') ~ "): " ~ msg, true) }}
{%- endmacro -%}