I have the following structure:
├── dag_1
│ ├── dag
│ │ ├── current
│ │ └── deprecated
│ └── sparkjobs
│ ├── current
│ | └── spark_3.py
│ └── deprecated
│ └── spark_1.py
│ └── spark_2.py
├── dag_2
│ ├── dag
│ │ ├── current
│ │ └── deprecated
│ └── sparkjobs
│ ├── current
│ | └── spark_3.py
│ └── deprecated
│ └── spark_1.py
│ └── spark_2.py
I want to create a new folder getting only current spark jobs, my expected output folder is:
├── dag_1
| └── spark_3.py
├── dag_2
└── spark_3.py
I've tried to use
find /mnt/c/Users/User/Test/ -type f -wholename "sparkjob/current" | xargs -i cp {} /mnt/c/Users/User/Test/output/
Although my script is not writing the files and returns me no error. How can I solve this?
Use this, install
command take the input file and copy it to another dir structure, creating the whole tree of dirs if necessary as mkdir -p
(you need to add wildcard *
in -wholename
to effectively find files)
find . -type f -wholename "*/sparkjob/current/*" -exec bash -c '
dir=${1#./} dir=${dir%%/*} file=${1##*/}
install -D "$1" "./$dir/$file"
' bash {} \;
install -D ./dag_2/sparkjob/current/spark_3.py ./dag_2/spark_3.py
install -D ./dag_1/sparkjob/current/spark_3.py ./dag_1/spark_3.py
The source path is an example, if longer, no issue.