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How to pass objects to PopupPage using MAUI.Toolkit or Mopup plugins?

I have a Maui app where I use MVVM pattern with MAUI Toolkik and also trying with Mopup plugin but I haven't found how to pass objects to Popup pages combined with MVVM. At the moment, I have a page, which I use to navigate to the PopupPage successfully and also I am able to connect the PopupPage with its viewmodel. What I am unable to do is to pass any kind of object to the PopupPage.

I have tried to set the PopupPage constructor with parameters but the methods to navigate to the PopupPage only recognize parameters setted on the code behind.

Here is my code:


<mopup:PopupPage xmlns=""

<VerticalStackLayout BackgroundColor="White" HorizontalOptions="Center" VerticalOptions="Center" HeightRequest="100" WidthRequest="100">
        Text="{Binding Message}"
        HorizontalOptions="Center" />

I use this to navigate from my page viewmodel

await _popupNavigation.PushAsync(new MessagePopup(string text = "tex"));

If I try to set a parameter, shows this error, even that in my PopupPage constructor I have setted a parameter

"MessagePopup does not contain a a constructor that contains 1 argument"

**MessagePopupViewModel **

public partial class MessagePopupViewModel : ObservableObject
    #region AnP
    private string message;

    private readonly IApiService _apiService;

    public MessagePopupViewModel(string tex)
        Message = tex;


  • you are navigating using this code

    await _popupNavigation.PushAsync(new MessagePopup(string text = "tex"));

    so MessagePopup MUST have a constructor that accepts a parameter

    public MessagePopup(string somevalue)

    if you also want to pass that value to your VM, then you can add

    BindingContext = new MessagePopupViewModel(somevalue);

    if you do this, then you should remove the BindingContext property from the XAML