I have the following code snippet that works perfectly well in python, however, I am trying to use streamlit to upload the binary files, but I can’t seem to make it work. Here is the working code in python:
def read_bin():
dt = np.dtype([('col1','d'),('col2','d'),('col3','d'),('col4','d')])
data = np.fromfile('Files/Bin Files/myfile.bin',dtype=dt,sep='')
df= pd.DataFrame(data)
return df
Now, I want to have the user to upload the binary file and perform the operation using streamlit interface. Here is the code which doesn’t work for me:
if options == ls:
st.sidebar.title('Upload Binary File')
bin_file = st.sidebar.file_uploader('Upload File', key = 'ls')
if bin_file:
st.sidebar.success('The file was uploaded successfully!', icon="✅")
def read_bin():
dt = np.dtype([('col1','d'),('col2','d'),
data = np.fromfile(bin_file,dtype=dt,sep='')
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
return df
if options == ls:
if bin_file:
displayBin = st.checkbox('Display File')
if displayBin:
df = read_bin()
So, basically, instead of showing the path to my folder where the bin file is located, I am showing the path to the uploaded file. But it doesn’t seem to work for me. Upon some suggestions I tried the following but they didn't work either:
def read_bin(file):
dt = np.dtype([('col1','d'),('col2','d'),
with NamedTemporaryFile(dir='.',suffix='.bin') as f:
data = np.fromfile(f.name, dtype=dt, sep='')
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
return df
if options == ls:
if bin_file:
displayBin = st.checkbox('Display File')
if displayBin:
df = read_bin(bin_file)
I also tried to use shutil
library as suggested here post and it returned an empty df as well: Please see my code here below where I attempted to utilise shutil
def read_bin(fl):
dt = np.dtype([('col1','d'),('col2','d'),
with open('par.bin', 'wb') as buffer:
shutil.copyfileobj(fl, buffer)
data = np.fromfile('par.bin', dtype=dt, sep='')
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
return df
if options == ls:
if bin_file:
displayBin = st.checkbox('Display File')
if displayBin:
df = read_bin(bin_file)
Is there any way to read bin files from the uploaded_files directly just like we can read csv or pdf or other file types without the need for creating a temporary file in buffer?
will crate a new directory called user_uploads
which saves the uploaded file to local disc and returns the file path. Now you pass that file path to read_bin()
as an argument
import os
def read_bin(bin_data):
dt = np.dtype([('col1','d'), ('col2','d'), ('col3','d'),('col4','d')])
data = np.fromfile(bin_data, dtype=dt, sep='')
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
return df
def get_user_upload(file):
file_path = os.path.join("user_uploads/", file.name)
with open(file_path, "wb") as user_file:
return file_path
# Where are the options?
if options == "ls":
st.sidebar.title('Upload Binary File')
bin_file = st.sidebar.file_uploader('Upload File', key = 'ls')
if bin_file:
st.sidebar.success('The file was uploaded successfully!', icon="✅")
file_path = get_user_upload(bin_file)
displayBin = st.checkbox('Display File')
if displayBin:
df = read_bin(file_path)