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How to integrate vega chart to stencil js component?

I am trying to create a stencil js component using vega chart, according to vega manual i installed 3 packages:

npm install vega
npm install vega-lite
npm install vega-embed

and trying to import

import { Vega } from 'vega'

and get this.

Module '"vega"' has no exported member 'Vega'

Did anyone manage to integrate vega chart into stencil js?

Thank you in advance!


  • According to the usage docs:

    Using Vega with a bundler. If you use Vega with a bundler like rollup.js, you can import Vega as a module.

    import * as vega from "vega";

    Note that if you're using it in a component with Shadow DOM enabled you will probably need to pass Vega, in the container configuration, a DOM node instead of a CSS selector:

    class MyComponent {
      container: HTMLDivElement;
      componentDidLoad() {
        new vega.View(vega.parse(spec), {
          renderer:  'canvas',  // renderer (canvas or svg)
          container: this.container,   // parent DOM container
        // ...
      render() {
        return <div ref={el => this.container = el}></div>