The idea is to change the hover template only in the "Resto" trace. Here is a reproducible example:
df_stack = pd.DataFrame({"Country": ['Brasil','China','Estados unidos','Chile','India','Paises bajos','Vietnam','Peru','Corea, republica de','Indonesia','Resto'],
"Dolars": [11599.42961799,7671.6791054099995,6198.81430321,4578.07,4153.13352132,3352.11349841,2998.44092833,2247.29957849,1968.7549113200002,1890.7284090800001,35635.107780379985],
fig = go.Figure(data=[go.Pie(labels=df_stack["Country"], values=df_stack['Dolars'], hole=.5,
customdata = np.transpose([df_stack["Pct_change"],
hovertemplate="<b>%{label}</b> <br>Dolars: $%{value:,.2f}"
"<br>Percent: %{percent:.1%}"
"<br>Pct_change: %{customdata[0]:.1%}"
fig.update_layout(title_text = f"Change hover of specific trace in pie chart", template = None, font_family = "verdana",
margin = dict(t=70, l=10, r=10, b=30), separators = ",.",
showlegend= False,)
fig.update_traces(hovertemplate=None, selector=dict(name = 'Resto')) #It won't work!!!
Unlike with Scatter traces, the last line of code won't do the trick.
fig.update_traces(hovertemplate=None, selector=dict(name = 'Resto')) #It won't work!!!
is right, and I would like to add a few details that I hope will be of interest.
Generally, unique hovertemplates can only be applied to specific traces. So as long as you've got different traces within a figure object, you can apply any hovertemplate you would like to each trace. Unfortunately, a Plotly pie chart consists of only one trace, even though it might not look like that since you've got different colors in the pie chart.
There are a few details in your code that reveal how these things are tied together. When you construct a pie chart with go.Figure(go.Pie())
, you're creating one figure object containing one trace.
And if you take a look at the structure of your pie chart with
, you'll see how hovertemplate
is associated with the only trace there:
'customdata': array([[0.08461108],
[0.217878 ],
[0.2555961 ],
[0.1206833 ],
[0. ]]),
'hole': 0.5,
'hovertemplate': ('<b>%{label}</b> <br>Dolars: $%' ... 'ata[0]:.1%}<br<extra></extra>>'),
'labels': array(['Brasil', 'China', 'Estados unidos', 'Chile', 'India', 'Paises bajos',
'Vietnam', 'Peru', 'Corea, republica de', 'Indonesia', 'Resto'],
'values': array([11599.42961799, 7671.67910541, 6198.81430321, 4578.07 ,
4153.13352132, 3352.11349841, 2998.44092833, 2247.29957849,
1968.75491132, 1890.72840908, 35635.10778038])
And what fig.update_traces(selector=...
would potentially do for you is apply your desired hovertemplate to a trace within a figure object. If you were to try to construct a pie chart with multiple traces with fig.add_trace
like this:
import plotly.graph_objects as go
fig = go.Figure()
fig.add_trace(go.Pie(values = [1,2,3]))
fig.add_trace(go.Pie(values = [5,6,7]))
Then each fig.add_trace
would only overwrite the single existing trace in your figure object, so there's not much help there either.
I hope this clarifies things a bit, and that you are able to find other methods to convey the information in your visualization.