I need to extract bits from a byte array (little endian), and then form a new int from it.
Say my byte array is this:
[0b00011001, 0b11001001, 0b00101010, 0b11001110]
And I need to extract bits 14 to 18 (inclusive).
First I bitmask like so:
[0b00011001, 0b11000000, 0b00000010, 0b11001110]
using & 0b11000000
on [1]
and & 0b00000111
on [2]
Then remove first byte, and reset other bytes:
[0b11000000, 0b00000010, 0b00000000, 0b00000000]
If I form an uint 32 out of this, it results in 704
. Is this correct?
Is assuming MSB = 7 and LSB = 0 correct?
As mentioned in the comments, it would be much easier to work with a union
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stddef.h>
typedef union {
uint32_t i;
uint8_t c[4];
} u_t;
int main( void ) {
u_t u = { 0 };
// Little Endian machine
u.c[0] = 0x19; // I believe these are the hex equivalent of OP data.
u.c[1] = 0xC9;
u.c[2] = 0x2A;
u.c[3] = 0xCE;
u.i &= 0x1F << (14-1); // Mask for 5 bits, b14-b18
printf( "%08X\n", u.i );
printf( "%u\n", u.i );
printf( "%u\n", u.i >> 8 ); // my (our) mistake
printf( "%u\n", u.i >> 14 ); // Perhaps what was intended
return 0;
Of course, this would be much simpler just shifting the value to the right to begin with, then mask for the 5 lowest bits... C'est la guerre...