I need to web scraping and collect data from the website https://ipcost.com and use that collected data (in this case, my IP details) in my Flutter app.
My question is how to get this information and display it in the UI.
I tried the web_scraper package and it solved the problem.
Step 1 : add web_scraper to dependencies .
Step 2 : Checking the website and getting the pattern of placing the desired information on the website. in my case for "Titles" , pattern is :
'div.e > small'
for "Subtitle" , pattern is :
'div.e > strong'
Step 3 : I created an object of the Webscraper class and defined it by setting the value of the website URL.
Step 4-1 : In my case , I don't need urlPath and set it empty .
final String urlPath = '';
Step 4-2 : In my case , Attributes always null and I don't need them.
final List<String> attributeList = [''];
Step 5 : I define one method and call them in initState , for get values from website .
void fetchData() async {
if (await webScraper.loadWebPage(urlPath)) {
setState(() {
webScrapeResultTitle =
webScraper.getElement(innerAddressTitle, attributeList);
webScrapeResultDescription =
webScraper.getElement(innerAddressDescription, attributeList);
///TODO: By review this prints , I detect structure of recievied data .
// print("webScrapeResultTitle::::${webScrapeResultTitle!.toList()}");
// print(
// "webScrapeResultDescription::::${webScrapeResultDescription!.toList()}");
Step 6 : set build method like below for show results .
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: Text(widget.title),
body: webScrapeResultTitle == null || webScrapeResultDescription == null
? Center(
child: LoadingWidget(),
: ListView.builder(
itemCount: webScrapeResultDescription!.length,
itemBuilder: (BuildContext context, int index) {
return IpInfoItem(
titleResult: webScrapeResultTitle![index][titleResultKey],
descriptionResult: webScrapeResultDescription![index]
See my full code from here
Gist full Snippets: Gist.Github.com
Repository : Github.com