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AutoLisp Entity Properties

I'm trying to understand the different categories the numbered keys represent for the different entities. I made a start on trying to decipher this myself, but is there a source that has this information that can be referenced? I don't want to have to figure out each property by hand if possible.

(defun PrintEntityKeys (/ ssBlocks lEntProps sPrintTo FileID)
    (setq ssBlocks (ssget "_X"))
    (setq sPrintTo ("C:\\Users\\[User]\\Desktop\\Autolisp Entities.txt"))
    (setq FileID (open sPrintTo))
    (foreach lEntProps ssBlocks
        (write-line (vl-prin1-to-string lEntProps) FileID)
    (close FileID)
    (princ "\nScript Completed\n")(princ)

;; Guess work progression
; (setq *EntMake* '(
;     (-1  . "[Entity Name (Self)]")
;     (0   . "[Object Name]")
;     (1   . "[object value/caption]")
;     (2   . "[object name]")
;     (3   . "[Attribute caption/Block Name/]")
;     (4   . "[Printer Settings]")
;     (5   . "[Handle value]")
;     (6   . "[Line Style]")
;     (7   . "[Font Style]")
;     (8   . "[Layer]")
;     ;; Skip: 9
;     (10  . "[Starting XYZ coordinates]")
;     (11  . "[Ending XYZ coordinates]")
;     (12  . "[Saved view, XYZ top-right coordinates]")
;     (13  . "[Saved view, XYZ bottom-left coordinates]")
;     (14  . "[Saved view, XYZ offset-01]")
;     (15  . "[Saved view, XYZ offset-02]")
;     (16  . "[Saved view, XYZ ???]")
;     (17  . "[Saved view, XYZ ???]")
;     ;; Skip: 18-37
;     (38  . "[LWPOLYLINE, ???]")
;     (39  . "[LWPOLYLINE, ???]")
;     (40  . "[Font Height/\"VISUALSTYLE?\"/Miscellaneous]")
;     (41  . "[X Scale/Font Spacing]")
;     (42  . "[Y Scale]")
;     (43  . "[Z Scale/\"MATERIAL?\"/Miscellaneous]")
;     (44  . "[???]")
;     (45  . "[???]")
;     (46  . "[???]")
;     (47  . "[???]")
;     (48  . "[???]")
;     (49  . "[???]")
;     (50  . "[???]")
;     (51  . "[???]")
;     ;; Skip: 53-59
;     (60  . "[???]")
;     (61  . "[???]")
;     (62  . "Color index value")
;     (63  . "[???]")
;     (64  . "[???]")
;     (65  . "[???]")
;     (66  . "[???]")
;     (67  . "[???]")
;     (68  . "[???]")
;     (69  . "[???]")
;     ;;Skip 70-464
; ));setq<-list


The response from this post, Autolisp entity data retrieval, by Mac Lee partially answer my question. However, this only covers LWPOLYLINE entities. To reiterate the original question, is there a reference source, maybe by entity type, as to the meaning of each property?

    (-1 . <Entity name: 7ffff706880>)  ;; Pointer to self
    (0 . "LWPOLYLINE")                 ;; Entity Type
    (330 . <Entity name: 7ffff7039f0>) ;; Point to parent
    (5 . "FFF")                        ;; Handle
    (100 . "AcDbEntity")               ;; Class
    (67 . 0)                           ;; Tilemode
    (410 . "Model")                    ;; Layout
    (8 . "0")                          ;; Layer
    (100 . "AcDbPolyline")             ;; Subclass
    (90 . 4)                           ;; Vertices
    (70 . 1)                           ;; Bitwise flag (1=Closed)
    (43 . 0.0)                         ;; Constant width
    (38 . 0.0)                         ;; Elevation
    (39 . 0.0)                         ;; Thickness
    (10 18.9133 17.6315)               ;; Vertex coordinate (OCS)

    < ... additional vertex data ... >

    (10 18.9133 12.7863)               ;; Vertex coordinate (OCS)
    (40 . 0.0)                         ;; Segment starting width
    (41 . 0.0)                         ;; Segment ending width
    (42 . 0.0)                         ;; Segment bulge
    (91 . 0)                           ;; Vertex identifier
    (210 0.0 0.0 1.0)                  ;; Extrusion (normal) vector


  • You can find all the values in the DXF Reference section of the AutoCAD Developper's documentation.