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How to activate the reduce method with input value,

How to activate the reduce method with input value can anyone help with the modification or the idea

let catchvalue = document.querySelector("input");
let btn = document.querySelector("button");
btn.addEventListener(`click`, function(){
  let emptyarray = [10, 10];
  let totalvalue = emptyarray.unshift(catchvalue.value);
  let averagenumbers = emptyarray.reduce(function(acc, curr){
    return acc + curr;
    let extract = parseInt(emptyarray);


    • NEVER call anything name or ID=submit in a form you want to process with JavaScript –
    • Nothing will execute after a return statement –
    • What do expect parseInt(emptyarray); would do? Did you want perhaps to do this? emptyarray.unshift(+catchvalue.value); –

    Here is my guess what you wanted

    let catchvalue = document.getElementById("Amount");
    let btn = document.getElementById("calc");
    let emptyarray = [10, 10];
    btn.addEventListener(`click`, function() {
      let totalvalue = emptyarray.unshift(+catchvalue.value);
      let total = emptyarray.reduce((acc, curr) => acc + curr);
      let avg = (total / emptyarray.length).toFixed(2);
      console.log("Average of", emptyarray, "'s total of", total, "is", avg)
    <input type="text" id="Amount" class="Amount">
    <button type="button" id="calc">Calculate</button>