I'm having issues understanding how exactly Offset works in Compose, specifically in the PointerScope
callback function to track the exact location where the user tapped on a UI element.
User is presented an image. Whenever the user taps onto the image, a marker icon is placed on the tapped location.
(You can ignore the button here, it does nothing at this point)
class MainActivity : ComponentActivity() {
//private var editMode = false
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
setContent {
val offset = remember {
MyLayout(offset.value) {
offset.value = it
private fun MyLayout(
offset: Offset,
saveLastTap: (Offset) -> Unit
) {
val painter: Painter = painterResource(id = R.drawable.landscape)
Column(Modifier.fillMaxSize()) {
modifier = Modifier
) {
contentScale = FillBounds,
painter = painter,
contentDescription = "",
modifier = Modifier
.pointerInput(Unit) {
onTap = {
}.border(5.dp, Color.Red)
if (offset.isFinite) {
PlaceMarkerOnImage(offset = offset)
enabled = false,
onClick = { TODO("Button Impl") },
modifier = Modifier.weight(0.05f),
shape = MaterialTheme.shapes.small
) {
Text(text = "Edit Mode")
private fun PlaceMarkerOnImage(offset: Offset) {
painter = painterResource(id = R.drawable.marker),
contentScale = ContentScale.Crop,
contentDescription = "",
modifier = Modifier.offset(offset.x.dp, offset.y.dp)
I added a little dot to the screenshots to indicate where i tapped. You see the image is getting placed far off the expected locations
I read a bit about the Offset
object and i suspect the difference has something to do with the conversion to .dp which i need to feed the offset to the marker image Modifier.
It might also be related to coordinates being related to it's parent views or something, but since in my example theres nothing else in the UI but the image, i can't grasp this as a possible candidate.
Any help appreciated. Thank you !
I just solved it by replacing
modifier = Modifier.offset( offset.x.dp, offset.y.dp )
modifier = Modifier.offset(
x= LocalDensity.current.run{offset.x.toInt().toDp()},
y= LocalDensity.current.run{offset.y.toInt().toDp()} )
Turned out my mistake was that I ignored the properties of dp by just casting the pixel value to dp. Instead, I should call the local device density to correctly determine the amount of pixels for the transformation.