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Clickhouse shows duplicates data in distributed table

I have 3 nodes with 3 shards and 2 replicas on each:

CLickhouse cluster settings: CLickhouse cluster settings

Added also the XML config for the sharding and replicas


I am doing the following example:

create database test on cluster default_cluster;

CREATE TABLE  test.test_distributed_order_local on cluster default_cluster
id integer,
test_column String
ENGINE = ReplicatedMergeTree('/default_cluster/test/tables/test_distributed_order_local/{shard}', '{replica}') 

CREATE TABLE  test.test_distributed_order on cluster default_cluster as test.test_distributed_order_local
ENGINE = Distributed(default_cluster, test, test_distributed_order_local, id);

insert into test.test_distributed_order values (1, 'test1');
insert into test.test_distributed_order values (2, 'test2');
insert into test.test_distributed_order values (3, 'test3');

The results are not the same, and they contain duplications: Eg

Result 1:

enter image description here

Result 2:

enter image description here

What am I missing?

I expect to not have duplicated rows in the select


  • I think this post probably sums up what you're trying to achieve - It's a little old but the principle applies - For Clickhouse not a topology that's recommended.

    Consider this simplified example:

        // These two are replicas of each other

    Let's suppose data is written into the first shard on node cluster_node_0. It will then be replicated to the shard on cluster_node_2 - as the zookeeper path is the same.

    Now for the issue. You have also defined the 3rd shard on cluster_node_2. When you create this table, it will physically contain data from 2 shards - the 1st and 3rd - I've attempted to highlight with **.

    When a query comes in, it will be sent to each shard. The challenge is each local table will respond with results from both shards - hence you get duplicates.

    Generally, avoid more than one shard on a host - the blog explains how you can achieve more than one buts its not recommended or ever need.