I have a named list with N elements.
The list-element is used to recode an existing vector.
My code is at the moment - hera as an example:
vowels<- c("a","e","i","u")
consonants <- letters[!(letters %in% vowels)]
signs <- c("!",".")
# My named list elment is defind as follows
# in Reality I have a list with more than 20 elements!
Listelement <- list(vowels = vowels, consonants = consonants)
# The variable to recode:
OldVar <- c(vowels,consonants,"","", signs)
# Recoding uses case_when
NewVar = case_when(OldVar == "" ~ "empty",
OldVar %in% Listelement[[1]] ~ names(Listelement[1]),
OldVar %in% Listelement[[2]] ~ names(Listelement[2]),
TRUE ~ "other")
Is it possible to loop the 2nd and 3rd line in the case_when
I thought on something like this:
NewVar2 = case_when(OldVar == "" ~ "empty",
for (i in c(1:length(Listelement))) {
OldVar %in% Listelement[[i]] ~ names(Listelement[i])
TRUE ~ "other")
But this did not work.
Instead of trying to loop, you can use forcats::fct_collapse()
NewVar <- fct_collapse(OldVar,
"empty" = "",
other_level = "other")
[1] "vowels" "vowels" "vowels" "vowels" "consonants"
[6] "consonants" "consonants" "consonants" "consonants" "consonants"
[11] "consonants" "consonants" "consonants" "consonants" "consonants"
[16] "consonants" "consonants" "consonants" "consonants" "consonants"
[21] "consonants" "consonants" "consonants" "consonants" "consonants"
[26] "consonants" "empty" "empty" "other" "other"
Note use of the !!!
operator to unpack Listelement
inside the function call.