I wrote a harness to test my angular-material based dialog and in one of my test cases I need to check that a certain checkbox is NOT rendered. Querying for this checkbox throws an error because it is not found. How can I assert the existence instead of erroring?
class ModalHarness extends ComponentHarness {
static hostSelector = 'modal';
getCancelBtn = this.locatorFor('.modal-cancel-button button');
getConfirmBtn = this.locatorFor('.modal-action-button button');
getCheckbox = this.locatorFor('#tax-country-no-tin');
async submitDialog() {
const confirmBtn = await this.getConfirmBtn();
await confirmBtn.dispatchEvent('click');
async cancelDialog() {
const cancelBtn = await this.getCancelBtn();
await cancelBtn.dispatchEvent('click');
async getHarnessLoaderForContent(): Promise<HarnessLoader> {
const rootLocator = this.documentRootLocatorFactory();
const foo = await rootLocator.harnessLoaderFor('modal');
return foo;
it('should not display tax number optional checkbox', async function (this: SharedTestData) {
this.create(); // lots of mocking
const harness = await harnessLoader.getHarness(ModalHarness);
const checkbox = await harness.getCheckbox();
Querying the checkbox throws following error for this test case:
Error: Failed to find element matching one of the following queries:
(TestElement for element matching selector: "#tax-country-no-tin")
So, how can I safely test an element is NOT present?
Thanks in advance for any help!
I should have researched more. Re-reading the documentation I found that the harness API offers an optional locator: locatorForOptional
. More here.
This optional locator will return null instead of throwing an error.
In my example, the fix is to replace the locator for the checkbox:
getCheckbox = this.locatorForOptional('#tax-country-no-tin');
Et voilá! I can assert that the element is not present :)