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React Native PermissionsAndroid doesn't include READ_MEDIA_IMAGES. How to work around this?

I'm using react-native-camera-roll/camera-roll@5.2.0 in my React Native app. For Android 13, the READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission has been replaced by READ_MEDIA_IMAGES. I use the following code to check if permission has been granted:

const permission = Platform.Version >= 33 ? PermissionsAndroid.PERMISSIONS.READ_MEDIA_IMAGES : PermissionsAndroid.PERMISSIONS.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE;

const hasPermission = await PermissionsAndroid.check(permission);

However, PermissionsAndroid.PERMISSIONS doesn't contain READ_MEDIA_IMAGES, so permission is undefined. Passing undefined to PermissionsAndroid.check() makes the app hang.

What I Want To Know:

I'm using react-native@0.65.3. PermissionsAndroid.PERMISSIONS.READ_MEDIA_IMAGES doesn't become available until 0.70, so unless I update to 0.70, permission will always be undefined. How can I work around this?


  • One of the solutions is to use the separate well maintained library for permissions handling called

    If you want to get it from RN it should be included in 0.71 based on this PR

    Based on PR above you also can create a patch from your local changes using However, if you want to use patched version of RN you should follow this instruction