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Does Ansible Jinja2 Templating support list arguments in for loop?

I'm trying to dynamically create a template from a list and I'm wondering if Ansible supports something like

{% for server in [sg-bend1, sg-bend2] %}
check program {{ server }}_test
  with path /home/ubuntu/ {{ server }}
  if status != 0 then alert
{% endfor %}

theoretically this should produce

check program sg-bend1_test
  with path /home/ubuntu/ sg-bend1
  if status != 0 then alert

check program sg-bend2_test
  with path /home/ubuntu/ sg-bend2
  if status != 0 then alert


  • According the provided description I understand your question is related to Jinja2 Templating and syntax only.

    One approach you could try is the following

    {% for i in range(1,3) %}
    check program sg-bend{{ i }}_test
      with path /home/ubuntu/ sg-bend{{ i }}
      if status != 0 then alert
    {% endfor %}

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    As far as I understand the documentation the solution should be to provide the list in a variable

    {% for SERVER in SERVERS %}`

    or an other syntax

    {% for SERVER in ('test1', 'test2') %}


    - hosts: localhost
      become: false
      gather_facts: false
        SERVERS: ['test1', 'test2']
      - name: Show result
          msg: "{% for SERVER in SERVERS %}{{ SERVER }}{% endfor %}"
      - name: Show result
          msg: "{% for SERVER in ('test1', 'test2') %}{{ SERVER }}{% endfor %}"

    will result into an output of

    TASK [Show result] ******
    ok: [localhost] =>
      msg: test1test2
    TASK [Show result] ******
    ok: [localhost] =>
      msg: test1test2