I am trying to find an equivalent for the below SQL query in the Gremlin query.
select * from test.test_table order by alias = '', alias asc, name asc;
The above query does the sorting based on ascending order by putting empty rows at the bottom.
In the Gremlin query, I am trying to write the below query but alias property with empty values are coming at the top.
I want to have proper sorting for the alias field but empty and null values should go at the bottom.
g.V("ID").inE('RELATIONSHIP_NAME').outV().order().by('alias', asc).by('name', asc).valueMap().toList()
Thank you.
I somehow found the correct answer which is working.
by(choose(values('alias').is(''),constant(1), constant(0)), asc).
by('alias', asc).by('name', asc).range(0,-1).valueMap()