I want to change the output of this array to another array using laravel. here is the actual array : the actuel array
array:4 [▼ 0 => {#2569 ▶ +"count": 6 } 1 => {#2578 ▶ +"count": 7 } 2 => {#2577 ▶ +"count": 1 } 3 => {#2576 ▶ +"count": 0 } ]
what I want to display instead :
array:4 [ 'A':6, 'B':7, 'C':0, 'D':1 ]
here is my source code.
$filter = ["A","B","C","D"];
$projects = DB::table('projects AS p')->select(DB::raw('count(p.id) as count'))->where('p.alphabet','=','A')
->union(DB::table('projects AS p')->select(DB::raw('count(p.id) as count'))->where('p.alphabet','=','B'))
->union(DB::table('projects AS p')->select(DB::raw('count(p.id) as count'))->where('p.alphabet','=','C'))
->union(DB::table('projects AS D')->select(DB::raw('count(p.id) as count'))->where('p.alphabet','=','C'));}
return ($projects->get()->toArray());
the output of print_r($projects->get()->toArray()) is : Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [count] => 6 ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [count] => 7 ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [count] => 1 ) [3] => stdClass Object ( [count] => 0 ) )
any help please?
$projects = DB::table('projects AS p')->select(DB::raw(" 'A' as alphabet, count(p.id) as occurrences"))->where('p.alphabet','=','A')
->union(DB::table('projects AS p')->select(DB::raw(" 'B' as alphabet, count(p.id) as B"))->where('p.alphabet','=','B'))
->union(DB::table('projects AS p')->select(DB::raw(" 'C' as alphabet, count(p.id) as C"))->where('p.alphabet','=','C'))
->union(DB::table('projects AS p')->select(DB::raw(" 'D' as alphabet, count(p.id) as D"))->where('p.alphabet','=','D'));
$newArr = array();
foreach ($result as $pair) {
$newArr[$pair->alphabet] = $pair->occurrences;