I would like to multiply list values by 100. That is, 0.0549 would be 5.49, 0.5719 would be 57.19, 0.0166 would be 1.66, etc.
#example data
x <- list(structure(list(conf.int = structure(c(0.054, 0.57), conf.level = 0.95)),
class = "htest"),
structure(list( conf.int = structure(c(0.01638, 0.4003372 ), conf.level = 0.95)),
class = "htest"))
# [[1]]
# data:
# 95 percent confidence interval:
# 0.054 0.570
# [[2]]
# data:
# 95 percent confidence interval:
# 0.0163800 0.4003372
How would I get this? thanks in advance!!
The apply
family is not needed in this instance I think.
You seem to have a list of lists, and each sub-list contains a single named value. EDIT: This assumption is wrong, I misread the screenshot, leaving the error here for posterity) :EDIT
mocking up data:
a <- list(list(conf.int = 1.2), list(conf.int = 0.0166), list( conf.int = 0.95))
if we try a * 100
we get an error:
> a*100
Error in a * 100 : non-numeric argument to binary operator
So we need to simplify the list into a numeric vector using unlist()
> unlist(a)*100
conf.int conf.int conf.int
120.00 1.66 95.00
If you really want an apply()
variant, perhaps:
> sapply(a, FUN = \(x) {x$conf.int * 100})
[1] 120.00 1.66 95.00