I intend to make a while
loop inside a defined function. In addition, I want to return a value on every iteration. Yet it doesn't allow me to iterate over the loop.
Here is the plan:
def func(x):
x = x+1
return x
I know the reason to such issue-return
function breaks the loop.
Yet, I insist to use a defined function. Therefore, is there a way to somehow iterate over returning a value, given that such script is inside a defined function?
When you want to return a value and continue the function in the next call at the point where you returned, use yield
instead of return.
Technically this produces a so called generator, which gives you the return values value by value. With next() you can iterate over the values. You can also convert it into a list or some other data structure.
Your original function would like this:
def foo(n):
for i in range(n):
yield i
And to use it:
gen = foo(100)
gen = foo(100)
l = list(gen)
Keep in mind that the generator calculates the results 'on demand', so it does not allocate too much memory to store results. When converting this into a list, all results are caclculated and stored in the memory, which causes problems for large n.