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RStudio Script Color Coding

RStudio is won't fully color code my script (images of my screen and sample code below).

I tried the following:

  • Reset Computer

  • Uninstalled and Reinstalled R and RStudio

  • Worked through: Tools -> Global options -> Code -> Display None of the options seem relevant. Changed each option systematically to no effect. Note that Rainbow parentheses changed parenthesis colors.

  • Worked through: Tools -> Global options -> Code -> Appearance Changed each option systematically. No effect.

  • Uninstalled and Reinstalled R and RStudio

Current Build 2022.12.0 Build 353 "Elsbeth Geranium"

Version Copy:

RStudio 2022.12.0+353 "Elsbeth Geranium" Release (7d165dcfc1b6d300eb247738db2c7076234f6ef0, 2022-12-03) for Windows

My Screen

enter image description here

Sample Code

enter image description here


  • Worked through: Tools -> Global options -> Code -> Appearance changed Editor Theme to SQL Server.