I have two lists:
dataa = [11, 18, 84, 51, 82, 1, 19, 45, 83, 22]
datab = [1, None, 40, 45, None, None, 23, 24, None, None]
I need to replace all None in datab for any instance where the prior 3 entries are > than the data entry (see walk-through example below). Ignore entries where there are not 3 prior non-None entries to average to make the comparison to dataa.
My first attempt was this:
for i in range(len(dataa)):
if (datab[i] == None):
a = (datab[i-3]+datab[i-2]+datab[i-1])/3
if ((datab[i-3]+datab[i-2]+datab[i-1])/3 > dataa[i]):
datab[i] = dataa[i]
It errors trying to compute the average of the prior three in the case where one of the prior 3 are None. I tried to keep a running total, but this fails for some of them.
c = 0;
a = 0;
for i in range(len(dataa)):
c = c + 1
if (datab[i] == None):
if (a > dataa[i]):
datab[i] = a
if (c > 2):
a = (a * 3 + datab[i])/3
This also did not work as expected.
From this sample data, I expected:
(1+40+45)/3 = 28.66
we also leave as is.28.66 > 1
), so set to the 28.66 average.(28.66+23+24)/3 = 25.22
is not greater than 83, so leave as is.25.22>22
), so set it to the 25.22 average.The correct expected output:
[1, None, 40, 45, None, 28.66, 23, 24, None, 25.22]
Let's use a collections.deque
to keep track of our window of numbers to average, since popping off the top of a deque
is cheaper than popping off the top of a list.
Thanks to @ShadowRanger for pointing out the maxlen
feature of deque
, which allows us to append an element, and the deque automatically pops the left element if needed.
from collections import deque
dataa = [11, 18, 84, 51, 82, 1, 19, 45, 83, 22]
datab = [1, None, 40, 45, None, None, 23, 24, None, None]
result = []
moving_avg = 0
sliding_window = deque(maxlen=3)
# Iterate over the two lists simultaneously
for a, b in zip(dataa, datab):
# If b already has a value
# Or the window has less than three items
# Or the average is less than the element of dataa
if b is not None or len(sliding_window) < 3 or moving_avg < a:
# Append the element of datab to result
# Else, append the moving average
# If the value we just appended to our result is not None
# Then append it to the sliding window
if result[-1] is not None:
# Recalculate moving average
moving_avg = sum(sliding_window) / len(sliding_window)
# [1, None, 40, 45, None, 28.666666666666668, 23, 24, None, 25.222222222222225]
You could save on some computation time by keeping track of the element being popped off the deque and using that to calculate the moving average, but for a deque of size 3 that shouldn't be such a big deal anyway.