I'm trying to create a Grafana dashboard that will reflect my AWS RDS cluster metrics. For the simplicity I've chose CloudWatch as a datasource, It works well for showing the 'direct' metrics from the RDS cluster.
Problem is that we've switched to use RDS Proxy due the high number of connections we are required to support.
Now, I'm adjusting my dashboard to reflect few metrics that are lacking, most important is number of actual connections, which in AWS CloudWatch console presented by this query:
SELECT AVG(DatabaseConnections)
FROM SCHEMA("AWS/RDS", ProxyName,Target,TargetGroup)
WHERE Target = 'db:my-db-1'
AND ProxyName = 'my-db-rds-proxy'
AND TargetGroup = 'default'
Problem is that I can't find it anywhere in the CloudWatch Grafana query editor:
The only metric with "connections" is the standard DatabaseConnections
which represents the 'direct' connections to the RDS cluster and not the connections to the RDS Proxy.
Any ideas?
So for who ever will ever get here you should use ClientConnections
and use the ProxyName
as the dimension (which I didn't set initially
I was using old Grafana version (7.3.5) which didn't have it built in.