Beginner here, I have a dataframe df
with over 200 columns and I want to transform this dataframe as follows. This is the input:
Company Team_1 Team_Desc_1 Team_URL_1 Team_2 Team_Desc_2 Team_URL_2 Team_3 Team_Desc_3 Team_URL_3 ...
abc Name1 Desc1 URL1 Name2 Desc2 URL2 Name3 Desc3 URL3 ...
def Name1.1 Desc1.1 URL1.1 Name2.1 Desc2.1 URL2.1 Name3.1 Desc3.1 URL3.1 ...
ghi Name1.2 Desc1.2 URL1.2 Name2.2 Desc2.2 URL2.2 Name3.2 Desc3.2 URL3.2 ...
and I want to transform this df as follows:
Company Team Team_Desc Team_URL
abc Name1 Desc1 URL1
abc Name2 Desc2 URL2
abc Name3 Desc3 URL3
def Name1.1 Desc1.1 URL1.1
def Name2.1 Desc2.1 URL2.1
def Name3.1 Desc3.1 URL3.1
ghi Name1.2 Desc1.2 URL1.2
ghi Name2.2 Desc2.2 URL2.2
ghi Name3.2 Desc3.2 URL3.2
... ... ... ...
so I want to add all names in one column with the corresponding Company, Desc and URL. How can I achieve this in R with a loop to do this for multiple columns that are all names the same with ascending values in the end of the column name, as in this example? Thank you!
With pivot_longer
names_to = ".value",
names_pattern = "(Team[_|Desc|URL]*)_\\d")
Company Team Team_Desc Team_URL
1 abc Name1 Desc1 URL1
2 abc Name2 Desc2 URL2
3 abc Name3 Desc3 URL3
4 def Name1.1 Desc1.1 URL1.1
5 def Name2.1 Desc2.1 URL2.1
6 def Name3.1 Desc3.1 URL3.1
7 ghi Name1.2 Desc1.2 URL1.2
8 ghi Name2.2 Desc2.2 URL2.2
9 ghi Name3.2 Desc3.2 URL3.2