I have a single alphanumeric string column that has to be split into two different columns: numbers and alphabet. But the thing is we just need to split the first part of numbers from string and the remaining alphanumeric should remain same in 2nd column
For example:
Col A |
2 Nutsx20mm |
2 200 jibs50 |
3 200 |
5 |
8 Certs 20 |
A1 | A2 |
2 | Nutsx20mm |
2 200 | jibs50 |
3 200 | null |
5 | null |
8 | Certs 20 |
I have tried out, It works correctly but fails when the string is just a 4 digit number with space.
df_tab["Col A"].str.extract(r'(\d+)(?: (\S.+))?$')
The output I get is below table:
A1 | A2 |
2 | Nutsx20mm |
2 | 200 jibs50 |
3 | 200 |
5 | |
8 | Certs 20 |
Small change in the regex works
df["Col A"].str.extract(r'([\d\s]+)(?: (\S.+))?$')
Previous your regex was matching only digits. Changed it to match digits and numbers.
2 Nutsx20mm
2 200 jibs50
3 200 NaN
5 NaN
8 Certs 20