I am using Sourcetree and I used the git pull command and instead of downloading only the updated files it want's to download everything, even files without changes that I didn't even touch.
What I mean is when I use git pull I get every file even if I haven't modified them only because the save date got changed. I am using git version 2.38.1.windows.1 and SourceTree 3.4.10
For anyone who understands my problem and might look for a solution, git config --unset core.filemode and git config --global core.filemode false They worked to ignore metadata and not show every file as modified even if it wasn't.
I found this explanation online:
In Git, the git config core.filemode false command is used to set the core.filemode configuration option to false. This configuration option controls whether Git considers the execute permission bits of a file when determining whether the file has been modified. By setting this option to false, Git will ignore the execute permission bits of a file and only consider changes to the content of the file when determining whether it has been modified. This can be useful if you want to avoid downloading files that have only had their execute permission bits changed, but not their actual content. However, it's important to note that setting the core.filemode configuration option to false can also have some drawbacks. For example, if you make changes to the execute permission bits of a file and then set this option to false, Git will not consider those changes as modifications and will not track them. This can lead to confusion and make it difficult to maintain the correct execute permission bits for your files. It's generally recommended to only use this configuration option in specific cases where you need to avoid downloading files with only changed execute permission bits.
In Git, the git config core.autocrlf true command is used to set the core.autocrlf configuration option to true. This configuration option controls how Git handles line endings in text files. By setting this option to true, Git will automatically convert line endings in text files to the appropriate style for the platform that the files are being committed on. For example, if you're working on a Windows machine, which uses a different line ending style than a Unix-based machine, setting the core.autocrlf option to true will automatically convert the line endings in text files to the Windows-style line endings when you commit the files on a Windows machine, and will convert them back to Unix-style line endings when you checkout the files on a Unix-based machine. This can help ensure that your text files are consistent and portable across different platforms. However, it's important to note that setting the core.autocrlf configuration option to true can also have some drawbacks. For example, if you're working with files that are not text files (such as binary files), setting this option to true can cause Git to corrupt those files when it attempts to convert the line endings. It's generally recommended to only use this configuration option if you're working with text files and need to ensure consistency and portability across different platforms.