I am getting this error. I am using Koin for dependency injection. I want my appointment repository to be alive as UserInfoContainer scope is alive. No definition found for class:'com.flow.domain.repository.AppointmentsRepository'. Check your definitions!
UserInfoContainer class
class UserInfoContainer(private val encryptedLocalDatabase: EncryptedLocalDatabase) :
KoinScopeComponent {
override val scope: Scope get() = getOrCreateScope().value
var user: User?
get() = encryptedLocalDatabase.user
set(it) {
if (it != encryptedLocalDatabase.user) {
encryptedLocalDatabase.user = it
Koin file
single { UserInfoContainer(encryptedLocalDatabase = get()) }
scope<UserInfoContainer> {
scoped<AppointmentsRepository> {
apiService = get(),
clinicId = get<UserInfoContainer>().user.let { it!!.clinicId }
AppointmentsUseCase class
class AppointmentsUseCase : KoinComponent {
private val appointmentsRepository: AppointmentsRepository by inject()
suspend fun getAppointments(startDate: LocalDateTime, endDate: LocalDateTime): List<Appointment> =
appointmentsRepository.getAppointments(startDate, endDate)
That is how I should inject my dependencies in the UseCase
class AppointmentsUseCase : KoinComponent {
private val userInfoContainer: UserInfoContainer by inject()
private val appointmentsRepository: AppointmentsRepository = userInfoContainer.scope.get()
suspend fun getAppointments(
startDate: LocalDateTime,
endDate: LocalDateTime
): List<Appointment> =
appointmentsRepository.getAppointments(startDate, endDate)