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How to modify jquery tag-it plugin: limit number of tags and only allow available tags

how to modify the tag-it ui plugin (version v2.0) so it only allows selection of x numbers of tags and how to allow only tags that are in the "availableTags-option"?

this question (or the first part of it) is already asked and aswerd in the past but for previous version of the plug-in.


  • first add custom options (maxTags and onlyAvailableTags) to the plugin file like so...

    options: {
                itemName          : 'item',
                fieldName         : 'tags',
                availableTags     : [],
                tagSource         : null,
                removeConfirmation: false,
                caseSensitive     : true,
                maxTags           : 9999,//maximum tags allowed default almost unlimited
                onlyAvailableTags : false,//boolean, allows tags that are in availableTags or not 
                allowSpaces: false,
                animate: true,
                singleField: false,
                singleFieldDelimiter: ',',
                singleFieldNode: null,
                tabIndex: null,
                onTagAdded  : null,
                onTagRemoved: null,
                onTagClicked: null

    next replace the _isNew function with this one...

    _isNew: function(value) {
                var that = this;
                var isNew = true;
                var count = 0;
                this.tagList.children('.tagit-choice').each(function(i) {
                    if (that._formatStr(value) == that._formatStr(that.tagLabel(this))|| count >= that.options.maxTags) {
                        isNew = false;
                        return false;
                    if (that.options.onlyAvailableTags && $.inArray(that._formatStr(value),that.options.availableTags)==-1) {
                        isNew = false;
                        return false;
                return isNew;

    Now you can use the options when you initialize tagit. only the sampleTags are allowed with a maximum of 3 tags

                var sampleTags = ['php', 'coldfusion', 'javascript', 'asp', 'ruby', 'python'];
                // Tag events
                var eventTags = $('#s_tags');
                    availableTags: sampleTags,
                    caseSensitive: false,
                    onlyAvailableTags: true,