I am trying to change the color of the text cursor in python using ttkbootstrap.
My end goal is to create an Entry widget whose background is white - this I succeeded; however, the text cursor is "white-ish" and thus I cannot see it.
This is what I have
import ttkbootstrap as tb
import a_module_I_created as tkb
class Window_main:
def __init__(self, root):
''' a bunch of code, this is unimportant'''
self.table_t1_frame = tb.Frame(self.tab1)
self.table_t1_frame.grid(row=0, column=6, rowspan=10, padx=25)
self.table = tkb.Table_tab1(self.table_t1_frame)
root = tb.Window(themename='superhero')
app = Window_main(root)
On my table, the one that I defined as Table_tab1 I have this:
table_entry_style = tb.Style("litera")
table_entry_style.configure('litera.TEntry', fieldbackground= 'white', foreground='black', insertbackground="black")
''' a bunch of code unimportant'''
self.entry[counter] = tb.Entry(frame, style="litera.TEntry", width=10)
self.entry[counter].grid(row=rows, column= col)
Here is a screenshot of the table
It "works" as in, it changes the background of the Entry widget to white and the text to black. However, the text cursor is "white" so I cannot see which Entry box am I going to type into until I actually type.
As you can see I already tried insertbackground
and it was suggested below
How to change text cursor color in Tkinter?
How can I change the color of the text cursor to something "dark" so I can see it?
I have tried many methods, such as changing the "style" to litera (only the widget's style since I want to keep the theme "superhero" for the rest of the app) but it did not work.
I tried using other styles colors like "success", "light", "primary" etc. inside configure using configure(theme_use="success") etc. but it did not work.
My guess is that the main theme "superhero" is overwriting everything.
Can somebody help me?
This is the link to the ttkbootstrap documentation https://ttkbootstrap.readthedocs.io/en/latest/themes/light/
The ttk styling option for the cursor is insertcolor
I don't have ttkbootstrap installed, but I'm guessing this should work:
table_entry_style.configure('litera.TEntry', ..., insertcolor="black")
# ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^