I have a simple API developed using serverless framework that is deployed in production. The serverless.yaml is similar to this one:
service: example
name: aws
- serverless-plugin-scripts
- serverless-offline
runtime: nodejs14.x
handler: build/index.handler
- httpApi: "POST /test"
The API will change in the next version and I want to offer backward compatibility to my clients. I want to create a /v1/test
route in API Gateway that will point to the new implementation of the function and I want /test
to remain the same.
Is there a way to do this using serverless framework?
There are a few things you can do.
# V0 package function
runtime: nodejs14.x
handler: build/index.handler
- httpApi: "POST /test"
# V1 package function
runtime: nodejs14.x
handler: build/index.handlerv1
- httpApi: "POST v1/test"
payload to determine which path was called and use that to modify the response or functionality to adhere to either API spec. package:
runtime: nodejs14.x
handler: build/index.handler # Both routes share the function, you'll need to modify logic to implement both v0/v1 spec
- httpApi: "POST /test" # V0 route
- httpApi: "POST v1/test" # V1 route
Both of these are good for temporary migrations where you'll eventually deprecate the old API. If you need both in perpetuity, you could also migrate your v0 API into a new stack (or similarly create a new stack for the v1 API).
Lambda is priced per-invocation, not per-function. So with that in mind, I'd suggest creating a totally distinct function, that will make it easier to deprecate and delete when the time comes.