hello I hope you are well, I have the following problem, when I run my app in flutter I get the following ERROR: E/flutter ( 6922): [ERROR:flutter/runtime/dart_vm_initializer.cc(41)] Unhandled Exception: PlatformException( null-error, Host platform returned null value for non-null return value., null, null), as I am working with firebase, but I have searched a lot and the truth is that the solutions that come up have not worked for me or I do not know if it is me who I implemented it incorrectly, soon I will show you the code, thank you very much for stopping to read this publication. I also forgot to mention I'm working on visual studio code
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:provider/provider.dart';
import 'src/Base/Views/BaseView.dart';
import 'src/Feactures/Presentation/Shared/StateProviders/LoadingStateProvider.dart';
import 'src/Feactures/Presentation/Shared/StateProviders/UserStateProvider.dart';
import 'src/Colors/colors.dart';
import 'src/Routes/routes.dart';
import 'package:flutter_localizations/flutter_localizations.dart';
import 'package:firebase_core/firebase_core.dart';
void main() => runApp(AppState());
class AppState extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MultiProvider(
providers: [
ChangeNotifierProvider(create: (_) => LoadingStateProvider()),
ChangeNotifierProvider(create: (_) => UserStateProvider())
child: MyAppUserState(),
class MyAppUserState extends StatelessWidget with BaseView {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return FutureBuilder(
future: coordinator.start(),
builder: (BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot snapshot) {
if (snapshot.hasData) {
return MyApp(initialRoute: snapshot.data);
} else {
return CircularProgressIndicator();
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
final String _initialRoute;
MyApp({required String initialRoute}) : _initialRoute = initialRoute;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
routes: routes,
initialRoute: _initialRoute,
theme: ThemeData(
scaffoldBackgroundColor: Colors.white,
primaryColor: orange,
const AppBarTheme(iconTheme: IconThemeData(color: Colors.black))),
localizationsDelegates: const [
supportedLocales: const [
Locale('en', ''), // English, no country code
Locale('es', ''), // Spanish, no country code
I really expected the app to run fine but it sends that error
You probably don't want to initialize Firebase in the build method. Try doing this instead (which is in the FlutterFire documentation):
void main() async {
await Firebase.initializeApp();